Hare and Hounds for Owls

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Sunday 25 May 2014

Plants Scavenger Hunt

Plants grow in almost every part of the world. Learn more about plants by searching for them on the World Book Web and finding the answers to the following questions. 

Find It! 
1. What are some plants that are not helpful to people? 
2. What plant part makes most of the food the plant needs to live? 
3. What substance in the leaves of a plant soaks up light during photosynthesis? 
4. What is a taproot? 
5. What are the three parts of a seed? 

Did You Know? 
♦ The oxygen in the air we breathe comes from plants. Without plants, human beings could not 
♦ Scientists believe there are over 260,000 species of plants! 
♦ Most of our most useful medicines...

For more of this Scavenger Hunt, click here!


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